Junior ISBUC

Junior ISBUC is a network for students and junior researchers who are interested in structural biology at the University of Copenhagen. We currently have over 100 members spread across SCIENCE and SUND.


Our primary purpose is to inspire junior researchers towards an interest in integrative structural biology and open them up to the possibilities of inter-disciplinary research that goes beyond their individual labs.


Throughout the year, we organize numerous activities to facilitate social interactions, promote state-of-the-art science, inspire scientific collaboration and develop career opportunities both within and outside of academia. We also coordinate the Young ISBUC mailing list through which we share news, jobs and events related to structural biology in Copenhagen and the surrounding region. And each year, we coordinate the Junior ISBUC Flash Talk Prize and Junior ISBUC Poster Prize.

Meet the Junior ISBUC Steering Committee

Junior ISBUC is a peer-to-peer network whose activities are coordinated by a steering committee of students and postdoc from across SCIENCE and SUND. We organize the events and are happy to hear from you if you would like to get involved.

The current Steering Committee consists of:

If you want to join the steering committee, please write to Lucy (lucy.holt@bio.ku.dk).

Stay up-to-date with us!

Follow our social media pages to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events from Junior ISBUC!