HALRIC career workshop Connecting structural biologists with industry and research infrastructures

This October, ISBUC will host a HALRIC career workshop: Connecting structural biologists with industry and research infrastructures. This workshop will focus on connecting structural biologists with industry and research infrastructures. The event will take place on Thursday October 26th at the Faculty Club, Bldg. 16, Floor 6, Panum.

Registration now closed

For late registration, please write to lucy.holt@bio.ku.dk

The HALRIC workshop will be an afternoon event dedicated to interdisciplinary scientific exchange between structural biologists and industry partners, providing a great opportunity to gather and share ideas that lead towards new integrative approaches.

Confirmed speakers include:

Keynote Talk: Robert Feidenhans’l: Chairman of the European XFEL Management Board, Research and young researcher opportunities at the European XFEL and other large scattering infrastructures.

Rasmus Kock Flygaard: Postdoc, Aarhus University, Presentation of research at Danish National cryo-EM facility

Eva Johansson: Principal Scientist, Novo Nordisk Presentation of research and opportunities for structural biologists at Novo Nordisk

Daniele Granata: Specialist Modelling Scientist, Novo Nordisk Presentation of use of Machine Learning in computational chemistry and job opportunities at Novo Nordisk
You can download the program here:

Program HALRIC Workshop 2023

HADDOCK PhD course

The 2023 HALRIC workshop on Structural Biology is held in conjunction with the PhD course: ‘HADDOCK modelling for Information-driven modelling of biomolecular complexes’ which will be led by Alexandre Bonvin. Registration is now open and limited to 30 places. 

Click here for further information and registration to the course