ISBUC Activities
ISBUC organises numerous activities throughout the year. These include:
ISBUC Annual Meeting
Each year, ISBUC organises an annual conference featuring inspiring talks by renowned international researchers working at the forefront of integrated structural biology. It also includes Flash Talks by Junior ISBUC researchers, a poster session, a panel debate and lots of opportunities for networking over lunch and drinks.
ISBUC Principal Investigator Day
To promote an integrated approach to structural biology amongst researchers at the University of Copenhagen, ISBUC organises an annual PI Day. At this meeting, ISBUC researchers will give a glimpse into their current and future research directions, the methods they use and any opportunities for collaborations. The day includes the annual PI Lunch.
ISBUC Matchmaking Day
To open-up collaborative opportunities for structural biologists at the University of Copenhagen, ISBUC organises an annual Matchmaking Day. The Matchmaking Day rotates between an Industry Matchmaking Day and a Researchers Matchmaking Day. The meetings include a showcase of the facilities for structural biology housed at the University of Copenhagen, the state of the art techniques used by ISBUC scientists and an exploration of their potential applications in industry and academia.
ISBUC Lunch Talks
The ISBUC lunch talks give you the opportunity to log in and hear about the latest state-of-the art structural biology related research being conducted at the University of Copenhagen. Each month, a different researcher will give a 30-minute overview of their latest research, followed by a discussion. Talks are scheduled over zoom making it easy to log in, no matter what campus you are on. You can see the schedule for upcoming ISBUC Lunch Talks in the ISBUC calendar.
Inside ISBUC e-newsletter
The Inside ISBUC e-newsletter is your one stop-shop for structural biology related news at the University of Copenhagen. It includes announcements about conferences, seminars, courses, publications, research news, new researchers, visiting professors and job vacancies. You can sign-up for Inside ISBUC under the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences subscription list.