Seminar by Prof. Dorothee Dormann

We would like to invite you to a seminar by Prof. Dorothee Dormann, from Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) and IMB Mainz. The talk will be held on April 16th. at 15:00 in room 1-2-03 at the Copenhagen Biocenter (Ole Maaløes Vej 5). It is on the topic of phase transitions of RNA-binding proteins and the role of in neurodegeneration. You can read more about Prof. Dormann’s research at
All are welcome. You can find abstract and title below:
Molecular mechanisms controlling RNA-binding protein phase transitions in neurodegenerative disorders
The talk will focus on molecular mechanisms that underlie the dysfunction of intrinsically disordered RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS, FTD and Alzheimer’s disease. Of particular interest are the RBPs TDP-43 and FUS, which are genetically linked to ALS and form aberrant cytoplasmic aggregates in the degenerating brain regions. Our previous work has shown that RBP mislocalization and aggregation is driven by defects in nuclear import and aberrant phase separation and is heavily regulated by post-translational modifications.
The talk will provide insights into recently discovered mechanisms that regulate phase separation and aberrant phase transitions of disease-linked RBPs, such as nuclear import receptors, the disordered protein Tau or post-translational modifications. It will also discuss how we plan to address the physiological and pathological relevance of RBP phase transitions.